Sunday, June 7, 2020

1st Conditional

1° conditional

If + present simple, will + infinitive


a) The economic impact of the coronavirus quarantine

1.    If the virus continues like now, it will affect the global economy

2.    The poor people will be the most affected if the global economy is damaged

3.    If the economy falls, the inequality will increase

b) The digitization of education

4.    If the online education is implemented, it will help the people to learn better

5.    The online education will make possible new forms to learn if it implements with careful

6.    The learning will decrease if the students aren’t interested

c) The global future of English language

7.    If the English becomes the global language, it will affect the culture

8.    The others languages will disappear if we don’t protect them

9.    The English like global language will help to communication between the people of  others places if all countries talk it

d) The effect of your educational decisions on your future professional life

10. If I don’t get my degree, I won’t get a good gob

11. If I learn a different language, I will work abroad

12. If I expose in a gallery, I will sold my work

e) Your perception of the results you will have in this course

13. If the quarantine go ahead, we will need practice more in our houses

14. If we practice all the lessons, we will improve our English

15.  When the semester ends we will get more vocabulary of arts if we talk about arts and ours workshops

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